Career Opportunity

Career Opportunities in Rocedes

On the Lookout for Talent

We value talent above everything else. Our company would not be where it is today if it weren’t for the people that run our day to day operation. Whether you want to apply for an entry-level position, or have years of experience to bring to the table, we are always interested in knowing more about you and giving you a fair opportunity to be become a valuable part of our Rocedes family.

Internship Options

We believe in new talent and have always tried to support the education system and the soon to be or newly formed professionals. If you are interested in a temporary internship as an individual or represent an organization that promotes such programs, our human resources department can provide you with more information on active or future internships that can help you start a career in manufacturing.

Rocedes SA, km 12.5 Ctra Norte, Zona Franca Las Mercedes, Edificio #29 Managua, Nicaragua

NIC:+(505) 2263 2032 USA:(352) 356 4090 USA:(352) 356 4092

Copyright &copy 2021 Rocedes S.A. All rights reserved.